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Xponent Journey Hub July 2024 (24.2) Release Notes
Xponent brings a refreshing new look, a new native node, and continuous improvements to the platform, helping our users perform day-to-day work efficiently.
String Node: Introduced new String Node, a type of Data Operation Node capabilities in Xponent. It supports operations like trimming whitespace, converting various types of input (such as JSON or numbers) into string, and joining multiple strings together using specified separators. The enhancements aim to simplify text manipulation tasks.
New Look and Feel for the Xponent Hub: We have updated the overall look and feel of Xponent with modernized CSS changes. This includes updates to fonts, colors, background, icons, titles, component edges, buttons, graph components, analytics, and more to enhance the user experience and make xponent hub visually appealing.
These changes are limited to appearance; all functionalities continue to work as before.
Continuous Improvements:
UUID based TransactionID: Introduced the generation of robust and unique transaction IDs using UUIDs. This new approach eliminates the possibility of duplicate transaction IDs in case of re-deployment. Transaction IDs in Xponent are part of the graph metadata and used for logging and troubleshooting. Now that transaction IDs are UUID-based, users no longer have to rely on the JavaScript Node utility to generate UUIDs; transaction IDs can be used directly.
Enhanced data retention policies have been established for Xponent's reporting service to optimize performance and scalability.
Bug Fixes
We have fixed the following bugs, ensuring these functionalities now work as expected:
KIT-5407 - You can remove tags after they have been assigned to a graph or node. If you can create a tag, you should be able to remove it.
KIT-12275 - The 'Create Metric' and 'Metric Graph' window will lay on top of the 'View Associated Metrics' screen, ensuring it closes when opening these screens.
KIT-12611 - The pop-up includes a user-friendly message, displaying a summary of updates made to the managed graph.
KIT-12612 - The pop-up includes a user-friendly message, describing conflicts when attempting to restore a version with a managed graph that has been deleted.
KIT-12702 - Graphs marked as invalid in a project were previously interfering with the deployment/VisualTest of valid independent graphs when creating a new version. Now, when a project contains both invalid and valid independent graphs, creating a new version will no longer show interference with the valid graphs. All graphs in the project will not be marked as invalid, allowing you to deploy/VisualTest the valid graphs properly.
Supported Versions Update
JavaScript (Node.js) upgrades: Upgraded hub and engine
Hub: Upgraded to Node 20
Production Environment: Node 14
Non-Production Environment: Node 20.12.2