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Webhook Endpoint
  • 03 Sep 2024
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Webhook Endpoint

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Article summary

Xponent supports the integration of Webhook Endpoint, allowing users to receive configured metric threshold alerts through communication channel integrated with the webhook.

Integrating the webhook endpoint to the preferred communication channel is part of the customer-specific implementation process.

A webhook endpoint acts as a designated URL where xponent generates anomaly deviation alerts and writes those for transmission. This endpoint serves as a receiving point for alerts, allowing seamless communication between Xponent and communication channel.

Subsequently, service teams, partners, or users themselves are responsible for ingesting these messages into their chosen communication tools. Additionally, It's the user's responsibility to either write or integrate the provided alert JSON schema with their chosen communication channel. 

              "organizationId": <string>,
              "organizationName": <string>,
              "projectId": <string>,
              "projectName": <string>,
              "metricId": <string>,
              "metricName": <string>,
              "environmentId": <string>,
              "environmentName": <string>,
              "currentStatus": <string>,
              "metricValue": <int> 

To Enable Webhook Endpoint

  • To enable the Webhook Endpoint, click on the Advanced grid located on the right-hand side of the Project Settings.
  • Enter the webhook endpoint for the desired channel.

For Example: If you want to receive metric alerts through specific channel, enter it’s webhook.

Please note that, authenticated webhook endpoints are not supported.

Each organization can integrate one webhook endpoint. However, users can effectively split and manage alerts within their ingestion tools using the content of the log.

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