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Web Personalization and Recommendations
  • 30 May 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Web Personalization and Recommendations

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Article summary

Web personalization allows you to tailor your website to each user in real time to provide a unique browsing experience.

Personalization can be accomplished by using the Xponent JavaScript web tracking tag and/or calling a separate Xponent API.

Using either method, the data retrieved can be utilized to change the website directly or passed to a Content Management System (CMS) to retrieve specific content.

Using the Xponent Web Tracking Script

With normal web tracking, user activity is POSTed to an Xponent API and processed as web activity. With every POST, the Xponent API sends a response back to the browser. The response is passed into the _kw.success function in the web tracking tag as the "data" variable

For Example:

The success function can check if certain conditions are met by assessing the values in the "data" JSON object. If conditions are met, personalization can be delivered, such as changing content on the webpage.

  var _kw = {};
  _kw.success = function(data) {
    // Handle returned data here

	if(data.message == "personalization_A"){

<script src="https://cdn.kitewheel.com/webTrack.v1.js"></script>

In this example, if the response's message equaled "personalization_A", then the changeBanner() function on the web page would execute. This function would update the homepage banner to provide relevant content to the user when the user lands on the homepage. If the message equaled anything else, personalization would not occur.

Using an Xponent API

The web tracking tag is useful for real-time interactions to deliver personalization. However, in certain situations, personalization is needed on-demand. You can set up a Xponent API to get a recommendation of how to personalize the content for a particular user. Due to Xponent's capability to track users across channels, Xponent has a holistic view of the user and can offer guidance to what to show on the website.

For Example:

As a user browses the website, user behavior is limited to the website. However, if Xponent sees the user click on a product link in an email, then, when on the web, the Xponent API recommendation can make a recommendation based on web and email activity.

This could be to show an offer of the product the user clicked on in the email on the website's homepage to engage the user quickly.


This recommendation example is a simple example of a JSON object that can be POSTed to a Xponent API. The request indicates the user just logged in and needs a recommendation of which banner to show on the homepage. Xponent would respond with an image name or template based on all user activity.

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