Message Queue Read Adaptor
  • 03 Sep 2024
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Message Queue Read Adaptor

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Article summary

Creating a Message Queue Read Adaptor

The Message Queue Read Adaptor reads the next available message from the message queue. If the message is in JSON format, then it will be parsed and mapped to the correct fields in the output record.

In order to use a Message Queue Read Adaptor, it is best practice to create a message queue connection first.

  • To create a Message Queue Read, from the Create New Item page, select the Queue Adaptor from the right-hand side column.
  • Give the queue adaptor a name, choose some tags, and click on the Create Item button.

  • Choose the connection from the dropdown menu and then choose a destination location for the record.

The Message Queue Read Adaptor will return an error if there is no message on the queue:

Validation Warnings

: All the invalid notifications will be displayed after expanding the Invalid Dropdown.

Adaptor(s) do not have connection setIt is necessary to create a connection and choose it from the Adaptor Connection dropdown
Node(s) have missing data destination/outputNo data destination for the message read from the queue has been specified

See Also:

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