Kruiseline Demo Template
  • 20 Nov 2023
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Kruiseline Demo Template

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Article summary

This document is designed to give the high-level steps to configure the Xponent Kruiseline demonstration in your Xponent environment. If you need additional assistance, please contact your Xponent Account Manager.

Package Contents

  • Graphs
    • WebTracking - Tracks customer behavior on the website
    • CheckifCustExists - Evaluates if the web visitor is a first-time or repeat visitor
    • DetermineWebInterest - Determines individual's web interest based on Xponent's tracking
    • Web Actions -  Sets data flags in the database based on an individual's action
    • Web Recommendation - Determines what the message in the image will be on the home page based on tracking of the website
    • Booking ads - Overall graph that manages paid ads. Facebook ads, Google Ad words, and Trip Advisor Paid ads
      • Booking ads Google - Programmatically adds individuals to a predefined Google custom audience based on email address
      • GoogleCustomAudience - integration into Google Custom Audience. 
      • UpdateGoogleCustomAudiences - Moves individuals between Google Custom audiences based on income level (high, low)
      • Add to  FB custom audience - Programmatically adds individuals to a predefined FB custom audience based on email address.
      • TripAdvisorPaidAds - Changes the ads on TripAdvisor based on where the individual is in the journey.
      • SuppressionFromAwarenessAds - Adds individuals into suppression FB custom audiences once they register to the email program.
    • Call center - Manages integration into the Salesforce call center interface.
    • ListenToTwitter - Listens to keywords on twitter.
  • HTML files
    These files are located in the folder, available for download in the Related Downloads section.
    • index.html - Path : /KruiseLinesPartner/tripadvisor/ This is the initial webpage from which the demo starts.
      To access this file, drop the in your webserver and paste this url on your browser -  <your webserver>/KruiseLinesPartner/tripadvisor/ 
    • index.html - Path : /KruiseLinesPartner/ index.html. This is the Xponent Kruiselines home page.
      To access this file, paste this url on your browser -  <your webserver>/KruiseLines/index.html
    • callcenter.html - Path :  /KruiseLinesPartner/callcenter.html. This is the webpage that a call center staff checks to get more information about the caller.
    • emailBooking.html - HTML of the email one receives after booking the cruise.
    • emailChase.html - HTML of the email when one abandon checkout
    • emailRewards.html - HTML of the email one receives when they registers for the email program
    • Facebook.html - HTML of facebook page that displays the retargeting ad
    • Google.html - HTML of google search page 
    • Google2.html - HTML of google search result
    • index.html - in news folder - No longer needed - delete this
    • index2.html  - in news folder - delete this
    • rewards.html - Email sign up page
    • search-results.html - Caribbean Cruise search result
    • alaska.html - HTML for Alaska page
    • bermuda.html -
    • caribbean.html
    • europe.html -


Related Downloads

Generating the Graphs

Within the graph editor, select "Create New." This will show all the various nodes that can be created.

Select the Kruiselines Demo Template under the Custom Graph Templates section.

This will create all the necessary hub components for Kruiseline's demo.

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