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We have included an Interactive Training to provide a more engaging and visual learning experience. End users are required to complete their training through the CSG University.
A Graph Template is one mechanism for sharing graphs within your organization. This mechanism allows you to create a template from one or more graphs and to make that available to everyone in your organization. These templates can then be "rehydrated" into a new or existing project. The Managed Graph functionality provides a way to share and use functionality without this rehydration step.
The set of Custom Graph Templates that are available to you are listed on the Create New Item screen under the Custom Graph Templates section.
When creating a new graph from a custom graph template in the Create New Item screen, a tooltip displays the contents of the custom graph template. This shows the graph template's graphs, scripts, nodes, and adaptors.
Any existing graphs, nodes, adaptors, and schema will not be duplicated when creating a new item from a graph template. A screen will identify any potential duplicates and will automatically be enumerated with a suffix if you decide to proceed with carrying over the duplicates. Template overrides Graph’s Journey Steps, Interactions, and Channels but will preserve the node IDs.
You can also create a journey map template that includes Journey Start and Journey End steps.
Xponent provides a set of custom Graph Templates that you may find helpful to add to your project.
Manage Your Graph Templates
There are two areas within Xponent Hub where you can manage your journey map, graph templates, and ordered graphs: Admin and Library tabs.
The library houses all the journey and graph templates and managed graphs that are created in your organization. Clicking into Library, there are two sections - Templates and Managed Graphs.
Templates are where all the created journey map templates and graph templates exist. Journey Map templates will be at the top, followed by the Graph templates. These templates are viewable only.
Syncing your journey map and graph templates or managed graphs across hubs is managed via the Admin section. Publishing a template from the source hub to the target hub will create a copy of said template, and the template can be deleted within the target hub and in the source hub.
Publishing templates across hubs can only be done once. If you deleted the template from the target hub and wish to re-publish from the source hub to the target hub, you must submit a Support ticket to Xponent for assistance.
Please see your Xponent Administrator for assistance when you want to sync your graph templates or manage graphs across different hubs.