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Creating Templates
Templates are foundations for creating messages. You may want to have different templates for specific communication needs. For example, a marketing MMS message may have eye-catching graphics. An informational email may contain more text with a map showing customers the location of your next promotional event.
Whatever direction you choose, Xponent Communications Control (XCC) contains all the tools you need.
It is a drag-and drop interface, meaning you click and drag content elements to your message Stage, which is the white area in the example Email Editor page below.
Email Editor
Click the Templates icon in the pane on the left-side of the application to open the Library, which lists all of your templates regardless of template type.
From the Create New Template area in the upper-left corner of the page, the following icons are available for you to create a new template:
Click to create a new email template.
Click to create a new multimedia messaging service (MMS) template.
Click to create a new short message service (SMS) template.
Once you click an icon to create a new template, a dialog box displays for you to name your template. The verbiage in the dialog is different depending on the type of template you choose to create, however, the naming process is the same for each. The following dialog box displays when you choose to create an email template:
Type your template name in the Insert template name field using the naming requirements listed in the dialog box. Then click Create New Template to open the Editor.
Library Item Descriptions
Item | Description |
Create New Template: Area where you choose to create an email, MMS, or SMS template. | |
Create Email Template | Click to create an email template. |
Create MMS Template | Click to create an MMS template. |
Create SMS Template | Click to create an SMS template. |
Most Delivered Email Templates: Area containing statistics about the two email templates with the highest number of deliveries. The titles of the email templates and their version numbers display. | |
Templates Delivered | Identifies the number of recipients to which the emails were delivered. |
Filters and Search: Tools you use to filter and search for templates in the Library. | |
Draft | Identifies the number of templates in the Library in Draft status. Click to filter the Library for templates in Draft status. |
In Review | Identifies the number of templates in the Library in In Review status. Click to filter the Library for templates in In Review status. |
Available | Identifies the number of templates in the Library in Approved status. Click to filter the Library for templates in Approved status. |
Active | Identifies the number of templates in the Library in Active status. Click to filter the Library for templates in Active status. |
Search | Click to display a Search field you use to type template search criteria. |
Library Grid: Area containing a list of existing templates. | |
Template Name | Identifies the template name. |
Last update by | Identifies the user that last updated the template. |
Last modified | Identifies the last time the template was updated. |
Channel | Identifies the channel to which the template belongs. Valid values are:
Status/Version | Identifies the templates status and version number. |
Ellipses icon | Click to open the menu and choose to Edit, Clone, or Delete the template. |
Preview icon | Click to open the template in Preview mode. |
Expansion arrow | Click to expand the row to view all version of the template. This is only available when there are more than one versions of the template. |
Paging buttons | Click the arrows to move to the next or previous page. |
Items Per Page | Click the arrow to select the number of items to display on the page. Valid values are as follows:
See the following for details about adding content to your template.