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Creating Metrics and Goals
  • 07 Oct 2024
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Creating Metrics and Goals

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Metrics enable users to add counters, monetary value, and analytics to Customer Journeys. Metrics are either automatically created for listener graphs or manually defined and associated on individual Journey Mapper and Graph nodes.

While one can define and associate metrics in the Journey Mapper (where one conceptualizes the Customer Journey), the metrics are incremented in the Graph (where one executes the Customer Journey logic).

Currently, Xponent supports the following types of metrics:

  • Basic - Increments a counter whenever a node has been run
  • Compound - Performs a calculation that returns a percentage or decimal based on your defined numerator and denominator 
  • Default - Appears automatically on all listener graphs to display the count of listeners starting and listener completes

How to create Metrics

To define and associate a metric to a certain node, click on the node and select the 'Associate Existing Metric" from the right-hand column of the window. The right-hand column shows the Step and Metrics editor, the Metrics panel, and the Graphs panel, as shown below. 

To create the new basic metric, select a required node and click on the Create Metric button. The Create Metric dialog window will be displayed. Each metric has a name, a type, an optional goal, and a description.

Basic Metrics

Basic Metrics are metrics that you define in the graph that can be of two types: Numerical or Monetary.  Monetary metrics allow the selection of the currency and the increment value.

Each metric has a name, a type, an optional goal, and a description. Default metrics are automatically made for you out of the box.

Alert Settings

Selecting Alert me when Metric thresholds are passed enables webhook to send metric threshold alerts through specified communication channels when it detects and confirms anomalies, which are deviations from the normal or expected patterns. The deviation can be 2 standard deviations above or below the average behavior.

Alerts will be provided for production environments in two scenarios:

  • After the anomaly is detected in the traffic patterns: Upon detection of any anomaly in the traffic patterns of the production environment, immediate alerts will be generated to notify to users
  • After the anomaly is cleared out: Once the anomaly in the traffic patterns of the production environment has been cleared out and normalized, follow-up alerts will be sent to indicate that the system has returned to its expected state. These alerts provide confirmation to users that the anomaly has been successfully cleared out and the normal operations have resumed.

Interval used in rolling average calculation.

Xponent supports configuring the time unit for the baseline period in anomaly detection. With a lookback of 30 time periods, it ensures anomaly checks by comparing current traffic patterns with the average metric behavior; the first Xponent alert becomes available after the selected interval.

For Example:

If you select the baseline period in Hour, xponent looks back at the previous 30 Hour to compare current traffic patterns with historical data before sending the first alert.

If you select the baseline period in Day, xponent looks back at the previous 30 Day to compare current traffic patterns with historical data before sending the first alert.

Currently supported currency values are Dollar($), Pound(£), Euro(€), and Yen (¥).

Compound Metrics

Compound metrics use a qualified metric (left side) and a total metric (right side) to support four types of methods for calculations: percentage, rate, weighted index, or advanced. 

Once a metric is created, it will be shown as a small tile in the Associated Metrics list. The tile has two active areas. In the top left is the favorite metric selection star, and in the bottom right is the disassociate link. Up to four favorite metrics will be displayed on the project tile on the Xponent home page. All metrics are shown via the metrics button on the project tile from the home screen. 

If a metric is defined with a goal, then a percentage of the goal achieved will be shown.

The screenshot below shows the Show All Metrics window from a project with many metrics - the four favourite metrics are shown first on this window. New metrics can also be added in this window; compound metrics especially can only be added in this window.

The solid alert icon indicates an active alert, while the outlined alert icon indicates an inactive alert for the metric. Clicking on the alert icon opens the edit alerts window.

Similarly, the solid favourite (star) icon indicates that the metric has been selected and displayed above in graphical format. also, if the favorite (star) icon is outlined, it means the metric has not been marked as a favorite yet.

Associate Metrics in a Graph or Journey

To associate a metric in a Graph or in a Journey Map, select the node to which you want to attach the metric and right-click to see the related metric in the list.

  • Click on the Associate Metric button to attach the metric to the selected node in either a Graph or a Journey Map.

When you associate the metric in the Journey Map, the same metric must be associated to a node in a graph to ensure that it is incremented. Otherwise, the metric will not increment accordingly.

Once the metric is associated, Click on the icon displayed on the node or journey step in your journey map to see how the metric is incrementing.

In this view, if a node is associated with a certain metric, it can be expanded and brought up to show a graph that depicts how the metric has changed over time, making a visual graph that can be shared with others. 

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