Creating a Journey Step
  • 23 Aug 2024
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Creating a Journey Step

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We have included an Interactive Training to provide a more engaging and visual learning experience. End users are required to complete their training through the CSG University.

A Journey Step represents a moment of interest to a business within a consumer journey.

For Example:

Some journey steps are made up of simple interactions or number of interactions:

  • Simple Interactions:  Downloading a white paper or completing a form submission.
  • It may involve a number of interactions over a longer period of time: Deciding that a customer is fully onboarded because they have used all of the relevant services on their new product.

When you consider creating journey steps, you should include only concrete, stable, and well-defined events. s

In creating your journey steps, you can also define whether the journey step in question is a positive, neutral, or negative result.

For Example:

If a journey step is "leaves website," then the outcome would most likely be tracked as "negative" in Outcome.

You are encouraged to create journey steps first prior to creating a journey map so you can understand how to tie in key business points of interest in the journey map. A journey step, once created, can be associated with multiple graphs and journey maps.

Creating and Adding a Journey Step

To add a journey step click on the Create Journey Step button in the Journeys tab of your project.

The Create Journey Step dialogue box will be displayed.

To create a new journey step, please enter the following details:

  • Name: Enter the journey step name.
  • Outcome: Select the outcome from the dropdown (Positive, Neutral, or Negative) to define the outcome label.
  • Outcome Label: Enter the label for the selected outcome. The Outcome Label is used within the Journey Discovery Analytics Dashboard.
  • Description: Enter a brief journey description here.

Manage Context

  • Click Create Journey Step to initiate a new Journey Step

Once you have created your journey steps, these can now be used within journey maps and graphs.

Using Journey Steps in a Journey Map

While editing a Journey Map, the right-hand column has two tabs, "Steps & Metrics" and "Style". The journey steps you have created will show up under the "Steps & Metrics" tab.

  • Double-click on one of the required journey steps to add it to the journey map view. 

You will also be able to add a new journey step to the map directly.

  • Right-click and select Create a Journey Step
  • Provide all the details and click Create Journey Step to save it. The configured journey step will now available in the Steps & Metrics tab.

Manage Context

Add Journey Step Node to Graph

To use a journey step in a graph:

  • Select the required graph you want to view.
  • Right-click inside the graph and select Add Journey Step.

Adding a Journey Step to a graph will create an association which is shown on the Journeys tab for that Journey Step. 

Now, you can see the list of journey steps you have already created.

  • Select the required Journey Step that you want to add to the graph and click Add Journey Step.

The journey step shown in the graph will be visually represented differently from other nodes. This node allows you to easily identify where the journey step is located and what it is connected to. 

Customizing the Journey Step Icons

The newly created journey step has a gray shade with the pencil icon. You can customize the journey steps in the journey map via the right-hand side (Style) panel. 

Once you have customized the journey step, the updated icon will also be reflected in the list of Journey Steps. 

Managing the Journey Steps

Journey Steps can be managed in a dedicated section under the Journey tab.

  • Click on the Journey tab in the navigation bar and select the Journey you want to view.

Once you have selected the journey, the associated journey steps will be listed below. Now you can create new journey steps and edit or delete a journey step. You can also view and associate a graph to a particular journey step in this view.

The full list of journey steps shows the Name of the journey step, Outcome (positive, neutral, or negative) & Metric, Parameters, Description, and the Associated Graphs. The outcome metric is a unique count of the profiles for that particular step. 

Edit Journey Step

To edit a journey step, click on the pencil icon to edit the following information:

  • Journey Step Name
  • Outcome Type 
  • Outcome Label
  • Description

Note that editing a journey step will not alter the outcome metric

Make sure that the information you are editing will still match the outcome metric that has already been associated. You can associate a metric with a journey step in the same way as before. 

  • Right-click on the journey step and select Create and Associate Metric or Associate Metric

Delete Journey Step

  • To delete a journey step, click on the trash can icon.

If the Journey Step is associated with one or more graphs, you will be presented with a warning.

Once the journey step is deleted from the Journey tab view:

  • It becomes a ghost node in the associated graph.
  • It makes the journey step in the associated journey map into a regular journey node. You will need to re-associate and/or add the journey step to the graphs and journey map. 

Associating Graphs to a Journey Step

To help the business understand whether a journey step is functioning as designed, you can now associate relevant graphs to a particular journey step. 

To associate a graph with the journey step, click on the Add Graph button to add the graphs you want associated with the selected journey step, and you will be redirected to the Graphs tab.

  • Double-click on the required graph to open it.
  • Right-click on the graph and select Add Journey Step.

A dialogue box will appear with the list of journey steps. Also, you can select the journey step you want to add to this graph. You must do this in order for the journey step to be associated with the graph. You can associate as many graphs as necessary.

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