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Contacts are where organization owners and project admins can set contacts (via user or e-mail address) to receive e-mails from Xponent support for various sorts of events.
Contacts can be set at the organizational level or an individual project.
- If a user is added as a contact at the organization level, any triggering event. (A graph listen failure for an 'Emergency Contact' in any of that organization's projects) will trigger the e-mail.
- If a user is added as a contact at the project level, any triggering event in just that project will trigger the e-mail.
Accessing/Viewing the Contacts
Access the contacts Admin for the organization or the project
You must be an Organization Owner to add a contact to an organization.
After logging in, click Admin, located on the top left-hand side of the title bar of the Home page.
If you have Owner access, you will see an option for Organizations on the top left-hand side.
- Select Contacts from the list of organization views
You must be an Admin on the project (or an Organization Owner) to add a contact to a project. After logging in, go to the Admin page (use the Admin button in the title bar of the home page)
Go to the projects tab.
If you have the appropriate access, you will see 'Contacts' in the list of the project views. Select it.
Adding Contacts
Select the +Assign Contact button to bring up the menu for adding contacts.
Any users in the organization not already on the contact list will be displayed. Select any additional users to add,
- Click on the Assign Selected Contact button to save the users/addresses to the contact. Now, you will see those users in the listing of contacts.
Deleting a Contact
- Click on the X button next to the contact in the main listing to remove a user or e-mail from a contact list.
This will not delete a user; simply remove them from the contact list
Types of Contacts
Currently, only Emergency Contacts aresupported. These e-mails are sent on a failure when listening on a deployed graph.
For Example:
Database listening graph could not connect to the database.
The e-mail will contain the project name, graph name, version, environment, and the error.
Upon failure, the graph will remain deployed and will re-attempt in time. If you receive multiple e-mails for the same graph, that graph is repeatedly failing.